Our Leadership & Our Journey

Charlton House Professional Services is dedicated to helping clients see a greater return from their tech, become more digitally agile and more resilient to external change.

Charlton House Professional Services » Our Leadership

How We Started

Charlton House Professional Services Ltd. was founded in February 2020 and formed in the pressure cooker of UK tax legislation (IR35) changes and the global COVID-19 Pandemic.
Co-Founders Amanda Jackson and Tom Sewell were independent contractors working at a mutual, large FTSE100 client. Tom was a Training/L&D professional, and Amanda a Senior Finance Manager specialising in Transformation initiatives.
Noticing the environment changing rapidly around them and spotting a gap in the market for IR35-compliant management consultancy services, Amanda & Tom formed Charlton House, focussing (at first), on generalist Business Transformation services.

Our Road to Success

Just months into trading when the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic hit, and with the vast majority of large-scale Programmes coming to a halt, the founders had to react quickly if the newly established business was to survive.  

With organisations worldwide struggling to provide traditional learning services under COVID-19 lockdowns/ restrictions – the pair pivoted their strategy toward providing Digital Adoption services.  

12 months and a lot of hard work later, having grown to a team of 15 and having become the UK’s first & only accredited Delivery Partner of the world-leading pioneers of Digital Adoption Platforms (WalkMe), CH were actively delivering DAP services to several major blue-chip clients on large scale global SaaS platforms. 

Our Current Status

2 years+ into our DAP venture, Charlton House has grown to a 20-strong team of innovative professionals, based in the UK and overseas, and is positioned as the world’s foremost, dedicated Strategic DAP consulting practice.

Meet Our Leadership Team

Amanda Jackson

Co-founder and Managing Director
As Managing Director, Amanda is responsible for directing the activities of the business whilst ensuring bottom-line profitability.

Amanda has over a decade of experience in accounting, finance, and business change across multiple sectors. She has held positions in a mixture of publicly listed and private companies and has led transformational change programs from inception through to implementation.
Amanda holds an LL.B (Hons) Law degree and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with the ICAEW.

In her spare time, Amanda enjoys following Newcastle United FC and spending time with family and friends, particularly out and about in the Northumberland countryside.

Tom Sewell

Co-founder and Operations Director
As Operations Director, Tom is responsible for directing the operation through the development of procedures and standards, targeted at achieving business goals.

Tom is a seasoned Programme and Change Management professional with 15+ years of experience in project delivery across multiple sectors. Tom has led teams to deliver plans across a variety of change programs, including Organisational Design, ERP/Systems implementation, and Target Operating Model (TOM) initiatives. He is also experienced in various CRM/ERP/IaaS/PaaS/SaaS systems and is a specialist in emerging technologies around Digital Adoption.

In his spare time, Tom enjoys competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and spending time with his family, particularly his two young children.